Tuesday, 28 July 2015

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Characters Who Are Fellow Book Nerds

I love when authors craft a character who loves books as much as we do! Personally, it makes me enjoy the book a little bit more, just knowing that the author understands what it is like to be a book nerd, and to be able to relate to a character so well. So here are a few of my favourites!

These are in no particular order. It was a real struggle to try and rank these beautiful characters, so I have listed them in the order that I discovered them, from first to latest.

Hermione Granger

Hermione was the first bookworm character I read about, and one of the first characters I really, truly connected with as a child. I love that she is unashamed by her passion for reading, for learning, for thriving in her knowledge of the world. She is an incredibly inspiring character for children, and I'm truly grateful that I was able to grow up with her.

Bella Swan

Ah, Bella; the hugely controversial character whom I cannot help but adore. Bella holds a permanent place in my heart, and although I can acknowledge she is problematic in some aspects, I will always love and admire her. Her love of reading is a huge part of her character, and the books she reads inspire her own plot lines. Her love for Wuthering Heights inspired me to pick up that book myself, and it quickly became one of my favourite books of all-time. I really can connect to Bella's character, and perhaps we even share a similar taste in the books we read!

Hazel Grace Lancaster

Hazel is a special kind of book nerd... she only reads the one book over and over again, but wow does she geek out over it! I've never been obsessed with a book to the point that I want to track down the author and demand a sequel, but I can certainly appreciate Hazel's passion. Though I don't think I could ever re-read a book as much as Hazel does, I can certainly understand her obsession and connection with a particular story and the characters within.

Alaska Young

It has been a while since I last read Looking for Alaska, so I can't really remember whether I loved, tolerated, or disliked Alaska. But I know that I loved this book, and Alaska's love for books was a pretty major part of her character, and ultimately the story. Alaska's bedroom is filled with books, from floor to ceiling, in disorganised stacks—the complete opposite of mine! I'm partial to a well-organised bookshelf, so although Alaska's disorganisation frustrates the neat freak within me, I do admire her love for reading.

Katy Schwartz

Katy was the first character I encountered who was a book blogger. Her love for books was a huge part of her character, and it really helped me to connect with her. My favourite bookish scene from this series is when Daemon enters in on her vlog, commenting on the ridiculous covers and synopses—I felt every single emotion Katy went through in that scene, and it was wonderful! It just goes to show how much Armentrout understands and appreciates her readers, which is the best feeling a reader can have.

Cath Avery

I've never been one to enter the world of fanfiction, but reading Fangirl made me love it. The way reading and fanfiction shaped Cath's experiences at university was such an inspiring story. It really helped me in my own experiences and struggles, allowing me to think back to Cath and understand things from her own life lessons, and make them my own. Reading was a huge part of her life, and she showed that she didn't have to give it up just to be loved or accepted as she transitioned to a new stage in her life.

Leisel Meminger

I'm not sure what to say about Leisel, because anything that I do say will not do her justice. She is a special kind of book nerd, one who was drawn to books for reasons very different from everyone else on this list. Growing up in Nazi Germany would have been the most difficult thing for children of the time, as we can see from The Book Thief, and it makes her passion for reading all the most uplifting, inspiring, and joyful.

Tessa Gray and Will Herondale

These two are (a) adorable, and (b) adorable book nerds. They find a connection to each other through their love for books, and although it allows Will's arrogance to run wild, it also allows Tessa to see his softer side. It's been a while since I read the series, so the details are sketchy, but their love for books still shines through in my memories, and is one of the most beautiful elements of this series.

Celaena Sardothien

There are many wonderful qualities to Celaena's character, one of them being her unashamed love for books. Though it is not integral to her character, it is a lovely bonus. Her appreciation for books and the magic they hold within is beautiful to read about, and it allows for some wonderfully hilarious scenes throughout the series. Sharing her passion with Dorian is also a sweet addition, and just an all-round joy to read.


And the most entertaining book nerd, by far, is Alana from Saga. She is a little like Hazel Grace Lancaster, now that I think about it: hugely obsessed with one book, seeing the hidden symbolism and reading between the lines, so much so that she takes it as the author's radical call for peace in a war that has been raging for centuries. Like Hazel, Alana tracks down the author to find out more about their motives and reasoning behind the book, and it only adds to the craziness that already occurs within the series. If you're looking for a badass bookworm, definitely check out Alana.

Let me know of your favourite bookworm characters!

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. I tend to participate only when the topic tickles my fancy and isn’t too difficult. Today was one of those occasions.


  1. I expect Hermione's going to be on every list!

    Check out my TTT and The 80's Tag!

    1. I think Hermione is a staple on everyone's lists!

  2. Celaena seems to be making so many lists. Which is awesome. I had no idea she was a book nerd. Makes me all the more curious to read this series. How I forgot Hazel is beyond me. She is a special kind of book nerd. :)

    1. Celaena has so many wonderful traits that make her incredibly admirable for many readers, and her passion for books is just an added little bonus to her amazing character. It's definitely one to check out if you're into fantasy :)

  3. Hermione and Celaena are popular choices this week! I have them on my list this week too. I can't believe I didn't think of Bella! My TTT!

  4. As you already know, we have many similar book nerds! Too bad we don't agree on Bella Swan... she almost made it on my list but I'm on the opposite side of that controversy. I cannot believe I forgot about Hazel! I didn't really like tFioS but I did like Hazel's nerdiness. I really want to read saga...

  5. I completely forget about Alana. I'm so upset with myself! Great list though!

  6. Great list! I completely forgot about Hazel Grace Lancaster but she definitely was so obsessed with that book that she traveled to meet the author right? Kicking myself right now! Also, I didn't even think about Alana from Saga and had to check the graphic novel to see what you were talking about. Great choice!
